Welcome to the BITS 221 Course Weblog

Welcome to the BITS 221 Course Weblog. This blog will serve as a repository of information and resources for the Spring 2009 Administration Technology and Procedures course at Davenport University.

Please feel free contact me via email with questions or concerns regarding this weblog.

Our Last Class : (

I am sad that this class is coming to a close and that our last day is this Wednesday, July 29th. I have truly enjoyed working with and getting to know each one of you a bit more.

During our last class we will try to wrap up our weblog, portfolio and personal branding projects. I will give you an overview of your grade and any outstanding work, and you will present your weblog and portfolio projects to the class. We may have a visitor (Susan Helser) in class Wednesday interested in seeing the excellent work you have done this semester.

Finally we will wrap up the class by completing our Final Exam which will also become part of our weblogs. The Final Exam will be much like the research assignments we have been completing.

I will give you time to research and compose the exam/essay in class. I ask that you save your sources in a Diigo list and in a Word document as well. The exam, which will be in essay format, will ultimately be posted to your weblog and also saved in a Word document. I will be looking at the printed version and the weblog version when I grade it.

The topic for the Final Exam is:
Learning environments, web 2.0 and web 2.0 learners: How are web 2.0 services and ideals revolutionizing our approach to learning? How does this carry over into the world of work?

Here are a couple of lists to get you started:
web 2.0 + work | learning 2.0 + web 2.0 learners

Presentations and Beginning your Job Search

This week we will focus in on preparing for presentations of all types, conquering presentation anxiety and honing in on our creativity to develop memorable presentations and materials.

We will also look at preparing for a job search, brush up on resume tips, strategies for writing an attention getting letter of application and preparing for an interview.

Preparing for your Interview:
One practice exercise that can be very helpful is participating in a mock interview. Although we were not able to complete our practice interviews in class last week, I would like each of you to look at the common interview questions listed in our text. Give them some thought and prepare answers to the questions that give you the most difficulty. The book lists some of commonly asked interview questions on page 358 and also toward the end of the chapter. If you have any personal favorites that you would like to include that would also be appropriate, or you may add common interview questions that you have found from other research.

In any case, once you have a list of 4 - 5 of the toughest questions, write out your answers or a strategy for answering such questions and we will discuss it in class this coming Wednesday.

Please bookmark any interesting sources of help on the subject, link them up in a diigo list and post your questions, answers, and the link to your Diigo list on your weblog.

Four Generations in the Workforce!

Today's topic examines generations in the workforce.

I would like you to generate another Diigo list that compiles articles on characteristics and viewpoints of the different generations in today's workforce. Along with your list, summarize your findings and any strategies for bridging generation gaps and place both on your blog.

Records Management

This week (July 1st) we will look at records management systems and respond to discussion questions 1-5 on page 200. Please post your thoughts and links to related articles and research on your blog.

You may choose to emphasize one question more than another, and your answers may be structured in an article or numbered format.

July 8th: Leadership, teams, and workplace culture

This week we have had yet another excellent and thought provoking discussion on leadership styles, reward systems, how teams work together and the cyclical dynamics of team interactions and workplace culture.

While this is a mouthful it is a recurring theme that has prevailed throughout our discussions, revealing itself in one after another personal example from each of us in class. These dynamics permeate every workplace system without prejudice. If the leadership, culture and team interactions of an organization are healthy, its products will reflect that. If they are not, it will reflect that as well.

Next week we will not be meeting due to the 4th of July holiday, but I would like you to continue to investigate how these three aspects of the workplace are intertwined: Leadership; teams; reward systems; and workplace culture.

For next week:
  • (1) Create four separate Diigo lists for this research to mark the separation of the four areas of study (leadership, teams, reward systems, workplace culture).
While they are related and dynamic concepts that flow from one to the other, it is important to understand them separately as well as how they work together. We will use your research the week we return to develop some personal strategies and leadership goals for our careers. I would like to take the concepts we have studied and develop a tangible, systematic approach to handling common workplace situations that will ensure that we are true to ourselves and those we serve. This goes beyond the 'rules for life' that we strive to uphold and should look at how to apply our time tested beliefs in situations that are not ideal and maybe even impossible.
Everyone is a leader. Only the choices of what to teach the world varies. Each one of us communicates something about how to handle things in life through our every day actions and choices.
  • (2) From your research develop an initial list of strategies that you will personally employ in the workplace to help you make consistent choices that ensure effective decision making and actions in the workplace.

Proof positive: How we get the news has changed.

Michael Jackson's untimely demise illustrates another sign of our times as one social network after another proves positive that our news is happening real time.

Michael Jackson's death roils Wikipedia
Michael Jackson Dies: Twitter Tributes Now 30% of Tweets
News sites swamped following Michael Jackson's death

And this doesn't even account for the news spread via sms.. which is how my teen found out around the same time as some of the news reports.